Mission and Vision


“A globally accredited human resource centre of excellence catalysing sustainable livelihoods in the less developed markets across the globe”


  • Provision of quality, globally accredited academic programmes in technology and management
  • Provision of globally accredited employability training for less endowed segments of the population
  • Promotion of entrepreneurial culture and enterprise in the target areas
  • Facilitating improved market access to goods and financial services to the target population
  • Promotion of lighthouse project interventions in the target area


To achieve strategic purpose, the raison d’etre and vision will have coherence which is built on following values:
  • Strive to achieve economic, environmental and educational sustainability of the community where Centurion University operate
  • Equality and equity remain the fundamental principles

Quality Policy

To adhere to the highest standards of academic quality through honest dealings with stakeholders namely students, faculty, staff, employees and the community in general.

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